GR123 - À travers la Picardie


  1. Name GR123 - À travers la Picardie (GR123)
  2. Début de sentier Contes
  3. Fin de sentier Carlepont
  4. Classement Traildino EW, Marche facile, sentier de la nature

This trail has no connection with the GR123 running in Belgium nearby. The French GR123 is located in the northwest of France, Picardie, north and south of Amiens.

Select some tracks
GR 123
.GR123(west), 18km
GR 123 - Tour du Hainaut occidental - Ed1 - Obsolete, 214km
GR 123 Vuelta a Bizkaia / Bizkaiko bira, 401km
De Carlepont à Contes, 243km


Map of GR123


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