Weg der Schweiz


  1. Name Weg der Schweiz
  2. Distance de sentier 34 km, 21 milles
  3. Durée en jours 2 jours
  4. Début de sentier Burnnen (Ruetli)
  5. Fin de sentier Burnnen (Ruetli)
  6. Classement Traildino EW, Marche facile, sentier de la nature

34 km. Circular tour from Burnnen (Ruetli).

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Weg der Schweiz
.Weg der Schweiz, 35km
.Weg der Schweiz - alternativer Zutrit ab Brunnen Bahnhof, 0.7km


Map Weg der Schweiz


United Kingdom
  • The Swiss Path Swisstopo Hiking 2599T
  • The Swiss Path, waymarked to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation, presented on an extract from the Swiss topographic survey at 1:25,000 with information on accommodation, restaurants and other places along the route. The 36km path encircles Urnersee, the southernmost spur of Lake Luzerne, between Rütli and Brunnen.... Lire la suite
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