

  1. Name GR38 (GR38)
  2. Début de sentier Redon
  3. Fin de sentier Douarnenez
  4. Classement Traildino EW, Marche facile, sentier de la nature

GR38, QuimperDouarnenez - Redon

Like the GR37, this trail explores the inner parts of Brittany. The GR34 of course is the very popular coastal route of Brittany. The GR38 is much less frequented. A suggestion would be to combine some parts of the coastal trail with some trails in the interior to get to know Brittany better.

Select some tracks
De Douarnenez à Redon, 357km


Map of GR38


United Kingdom
  • La Cote de Cornouaille GR34
  • GR34: La Côte de Cornouaille, FFRP topo-guide ref. no. 348, one of the titles from an extensive series of light, high quality, A5 paperback guides to the Sentiers de Grande Randonnée, the GR routes, a dense network of long-distance footpaths across the French countryside. Each topo-guide covers either a circular route, or part of a longer path.... Lire la suite
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