

Low mountain area in Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen.

Sentiers de cette région


United Kingdom
  • Münsterland 3-Map Set Kompass 849
  • The Münsterland region of North Rhine-Westphalia on a set of three detailed, GPS compatible maps at 1:50,000 from Kompass with local and long-distance footpaths, cycling routes, accommodation, etc. Coverage extends north to Osnabrück and Enschede in the Netherlands, and south to Hamm and Reckinghausen.KOMPASS HIKING & RECREATIONAL MAPS:This... Lire la suite
De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Erlebnis Hermannsweg - Ostteil | TPK Kiper
  • Zeer goede wandelgids met een prima beschrijving, zeer duidelijke kaarten en veel informatie. Bovendien in een ringband, dus uitermate handig in gebruik! Route van Bielefeld naar Horn - Bad Meinberg Östlicher Teil des zweibändigen Wanderführers "Erlebnis Hermannsweg" - Der Hermannsweg im Teutoburger Wald gilt als einer der schönsten... Lire la suite
De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids 411 Kautokeino - Nordkap E1 | Conrad Stein Verlag
  • Handzaam boekje met de routebeschrijving inclusief een heleboel praktische informatie. De beschrijving is uitstekend, maar kaarten zijn wat beperkt. Duits. Die 330 km lange Wanderung auf dem E1 von Kautokeino zum Nordkap ist ein unvergessliches Wanderabenteuer. In 15 Etappen laufen Sie durch die Wildnis Nordnorwegens und überqueren die... Lire la suite
De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Teutoburger Wald - Teutoburgerwoud | Rother Bergverlag
  • Uitstekende wandelgids met een groot aantal dagtochten in dal en hooggebergte. Met praktische informatie en beperkt kaartmateriaal! Wandelingen in verschillende zwaarte weergegeven in rood/blauw/zwart. Im Einzugsbereich des Ruhrgebietes und der Großstädte Osnabrück, Bielefeld und Paderborn gelegen, zählen der Teutoburger Wald sowie das Egge-... Lire la suite
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United Kingdom
  • Appennino Tosco-Romagnolo East
  • Map No. 135, Appennino Tosco-Romagnolo East, in a series of GPS compatible hiking maps at 1:50,000 from the Istituto Geografico Adriatico, covering parts of central Italy: eastern Tuscany, with northern Umbria and the Marches, plus the south-eastern of part of Emilia-Romagna.The maps have contours at 50m intervals with additional shading and... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Bagno di Romagna Monti Editore 19
  • Map No. 19, Bagno di Romagna, in series of contoured, GPS compatible hiking maps at 1:25,000 from the Istituto Geografico Adriatico, covering mainly the spine of the Apennines along the borders of Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria and the Marches.The maps have contours at 25m intervals with additional shading and numerous Map in this series have... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Münsterland Ost - Beckumer Berge 50K Kümmerly + Frey Map No. 59
  • Münsterland Ost - Beckumer Berge area in Germany at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or 1:35,000. Contour... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Alta Val Tiberina
  • Map No. 125, Alta Val Tiberina, in a series of GPS compatible hiking maps at 1:50,000 from the Istituto Geografico Adriatico, covering parts of central Italy: eastern Tuscany, with northern Umbria and the Marches, plus the south-eastern of part of Emilia-Romagna.The maps have contours at 50m intervals with additional shading and numerous spot... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Monte Carpegna - Sasso di Simone
  • Map No. 16, Monte Carpegna - Sasso di Simone, in series of contoured, GPS compatible hiking maps at 1:25,000 from the Istituto Geografico Adriatico, covering mainly the spine of the Apennines along the borders of Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria and the Marches.Map in this series have contours at 25m intervals with additional shading and... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Hohe Mark / Münsterland West 50K Kümmerly + Frey Map No. 60
  • Hohe Mark / Münsterland West area in Germany at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or 1:35,000. Contour interval... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Riviera Cesenate - San Marino
  • Map No. 128, Riviera Cesenate - San Marino, in a series of GPS compatible hiking maps at 1:50,000 from the Istituto Geografico Adriatico, covering parts of central Italy: eastern Tuscany, with northern Umbria and the Marches, plus the south-eastern of part of Emilia-Romagna.The maps have contours at 50m intervals with additional shading and... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • North Rhine-Westphalia Marco Polo Regional Map 5
  • German state of North Rhine-Westphalia on a large, double-sided indexed road map at 1:200,000 in the MairDumont’s Marco Polo series, prominently highlighting interesting locations and protected areas. An index booklet includes city centre street plans plus enlargements at 1:100,000 showing in greater detail the environs with road access to... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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United Kingdom
  • Alta Val Marecchia
  • Map No. 126, Alta Val Marecchia, in a series of GPS compatible hiking maps at 1:50,000 from the Istituto Geografico Adriatico, covering parts of central Italy: eastern Tuscany, with northern Umbria and the Marches, plus the south-eastern of part of Emilia-Romagna.The maps have contours at 50m intervals with additional shading and numerous spot... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Foreste Casentinesi NP Monti Editore 20
  • Map No. 20, Foreste Casentinesi: Campigna, Camaldoli, Chiusi dell Verna, in series of contoured, GPS compatible hiking maps at 1:25,000 from the Istituto Geografico Adriatico, covering mainly the spine of the Apennines along the borders of Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria and the Marches.Map in this series have contours at 25m intervals with... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • Monti Sibillini National Park Edizioni Multigraphic 60/61
  • Monti Sibillini National Park at 1:25,000 on a double-sided contoured map from Edizioni Multigraphic highlighting local waymarked hiking routes including the GAS – Grand Anello dei Sibilini, the circular tour around the mountains.The map has contours at 25m intervals with colouring for woodlands. Waymarked routes are highlighted and annotated... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Alta Valle del Metauro: Valle del Candigliano, Monte Nerone, Monte Catria
  • Map No. 122, Alta Valle del Metauro: Valle del Candigliano, Monte Nerone, Monte Catria, in a series of GPS compatible hiking maps at 1:50,000 from the Istituto Geografico Adriatico, covering parts of central Italy: eastern Tuscany, with northern Umbria and the Marches, plus the south-eastern of part of Emilia-Romagna.The maps have contours at... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Munsterland Regional Cycling Map
  • Munsterland on a waterproof, tear-resistant, GPS compatible cycling map at 1:75,000 from the ADFC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club - the official German cycling federation), in a series of maps with extensive overprint for long-distance and local cycling routes. GPS waypoints, route profiles, details of online links for information about... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Pegnitz E11
  • Pegnitz in a series of GPS compatible recreational editions of the Bavarian topographic survey at 1:25,000, with waymarked hiking trails and cycling routes, campsites and youth hostels, etc. Coverage includes Creußen, Ahorntal, Pottenstein, Glashütten, Hummeltal, Schnabelwaid.Contours used in this map vary between 5 to 20m according to the... Lire la suite
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