


If you want to avoid the bustle of Austria's major walking areas, chances are you will like the Defereggengebirge. This mountain area, south of the Defereggental, does belong to the Hohe Tauern. But it's far away from magnets like the Venedigergruppe, further north. Most tourists just drive by without a thought.

The naming of the area is somewhat confusing. Today, one rather uses the name Villgratner Berge, i.e. the mountains around the Villgratental. And these mountains continue westward into Italy , beyond the Gsieser Tal.

The Deferregengebirge is a region of small lakes, traditional meadows and a rich plant life. Ideal if you like quiet walks and don't need big names in your CV.

The mountains here reach a height of nearly 3,000 m. The highest peak is the Rote Spitze, 2962 m. Or, if the area more closely define what is the highest peak Weiße Spitze (2956 m).


Map Defereggengebirge

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