Camino del Salvador
- Name Camino del Salvador
- Distance de sentier 120 km, 75 milles
- Durée en jours 5 jours
- Début de sentier Oviedo
- Fin de sentier León
- Classement Traildino MW, Marche modérée, sentier de randonnée
- Classement Traversée de montagne T1, Randonnée

Camino del Salvador, Oviedo - León, 120 km, 5 days
The Camino del Salvador, or Camino Real, branches off from the Camino Primitivo in Oviedo and shortcuts to the main Via Francés in León through the hills of Asturias in the North of Spain. It is sometimes also named Via de la Plata, but this is not correct. It is true however that both Via de la Plata and Via del Salvador use the itinerary of the GR100.
Visit Traildino's overview page for the Way of Saint James / Camino de Santiago.