Suffolk Coast and Heaths Path


  1. Name Suffolk Coast and Heaths Path
  2. Distance de sentier 80 km, 50 milles
  3. Durée en jours 4 jours
  4. Classement Traildino EW, Marche facile, sentier de la nature

Suffolk Coast and Heaths Path50 miles. 80 km.

The path follows the coast north of Felixstowe for 50 miles, 80 km. It is flat country with a rich nature life. Parts of the path take the inland route, along rivers, across marsh and heath. Else, you will find foreshore and low cliffs. The trail calls on the town Aldeburgh, where you may attend the music festival. For birders this coast is particularly interesting, both during the spring and autumn migration and during the breeding season. Minsmere near Aldeburgh is a known area for many special nesting birds.


Suffolk Coast Path

  • Suffolk Coast and Heaths Walks
  • The three long-distance walks described in this book - the Suffolk Coast Path, the Stour and Orwell Walk and the Sandlings Walk - link together to provide a comprehensive and varied circuit of the entire Suffolk Heritage Coast. The Suffolk Coast Path stretches along the coast between Lowestoft and Landguard Fort, close to Felixstowe in the... Lire la suite
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  • Suffolk Coast and Heaths Walks
  • The three long-distance walks described in this book - the Suffolk Coast Path, the Stour and Orwell Walk and the Sandlings Walk - link together to provide a comprehensive and varied circuit of the entire Suffolk Heritage Coast. The Suffolk Coast Path stretches along the coast between Lowestoft and Landguard Fort, close to Felixstowe in the... Lire la suite
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