Trans Pennine Trail
- Name Trans Pennine Trail
- Distance de sentier 346 km, 215 milles
- Durée en jours 16 jours
- Classement Traildino EW, Marche facile, sentier de la nature
215 miles. 325 km.
The Trans Pennine Trail is a coast-to-coast route. It's located south from Wainwright's timeless Coast to Coast Walk. It also differs in that it runs through the crowded industrial area of central England: Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds and Kingston upon Hull.
The 325 km, 215 miles are especially popular with cyclists, although the path is very much designed as a multi-use trail. The path is even part of the European network of trails, i.e. the E8. However, there is currently lack of experience of hikers on the internet.
What to expect? The path follows largely abandoned railways and old towpaths. It is an easy path. Parts of it are even suitable for people in wheelchairs. 70% of it is traffic-free. The trail is especially interesting for people who like to explore the results of the industrious labor of their fellow homo sapiens in past centuries.