

Bundesland in the westernmost corner of the country, bordering Switzerland, Germany and Liechtenstein.

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United Kingdom
  • Silvretta - Verwallgruppe Kompass 41
  • Silvretta - Verwallgruppe area of the Austrian Alps on a detailed, GPS compatible map at 1:50,000 from Kompass with local and long-distance footpaths, cycling routes, accommodation, etc. KOMPASS HIKING & RECREATIONAL MAPS: this title is part of an extensive series covering Austria, much of Germany and the Slovenian Alps. Kompass are Europe’s... Lire la suite
  • Walking in the Bavarian Alps
  • Guidebook describing a both valley and mountain walks and treks in the Bavarian Alps. 85 walks are covered, including graded mountain routes, gentler valley walks, hut-to-hut routes and two multi-day tours, arranged by region with practical information on transport, accommodation and the like. Since the last edition of this guide many of the... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • Walking in the Bavarian Alps
  • Guidebook describing a both valley and mountain walks and treks in the Bavarian Alps. 85 walks are covered, including graded mountain routes, gentler valley walks, hut-to-hut routes and two multi-day tours, arranged by region with practical information on transport, accommodation and the like. Since the last edition of this guide many of the... Lire la suite
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The Book Depository
United Kingdom
  • Also available from:
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  • Bol.com, Belgium
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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  • The high mountains of Crete
  • Guidebook to walking and trekking the high mountains of Crete. The largest of the Greek Islands, Crete's mountains provide breathtaking walking and wilderness on this popular island. The routes in this guidebook are graded for difficulty and range from short, easy strolls to challenging, multi-day treks, providing options for all walkers. In... Lire la suite
  • The high mountains of Crete
  • Guidebook to walking and trekking the high mountains of Crete. The largest of the Greek Islands, Crete's mountains provide breathtaking walking and wilderness on this popular island. The routes in this guidebook are graded for difficulty and range from short, easy strolls to challenging, multi-day treks, providing options for all walkers. In... Lire la suite
De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids The high mountains of Crete - Kreta | Cicerone
  • Guidebook of walking routes in Crete's mountains, covering the Lefka Ori (White Mountains), Mount Ida (the Psiloritis range), the Lassithi mountains and E4 trail. Each of the 87 walks is graded, in a range between 2 and 28km with various longer options, covering a multitude of terrains from rugged mountain ridges to forested crags and beaches. Lire la suite
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Bodensee - Süd | Rother Bergverlag
  • Goede duitstalige wandelgids. Veel dagtochten, met gradaties en kleuren in zwaarte gerangschikt. Veel praktische informatie. Handzaam formaat. Dem 2007 erschienenen Rother-Wanderführer "Bodensee Nord" stellt Herbert Mayr nun das südliche Pendant zur Seite: Zweifellos zählen das Schweizer und Vorarlberger Bodenseeufer zu den... Lire la suite
  • WF5605 Montafon, Arlberg, Silvretta Kompass
  • De Kompass wandelgids + kaart geeft een overzicht van alle wandelroutes in het gebied met nauwkeurige routeaanwijzingen en hoogteaanduidingen, De extra grote kaart, schaal 1:35 000, is ideaal om van te voren uw route uit te stippelen en om onderweg te gebruiken • naast de bekende bestemmingen, worden ook de minder bekende vermeld • openbaar... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • WF5605 Montafon, Arlberg, Silvretta Kompass
  • De Kompass wandelgids + kaart geeft een overzicht van alle wandelroutes in het gebied met nauwkeurige routeaanwijzingen en hoogteaanduidingen, De extra grote kaart, schaal 1:35 000, is ideaal om van te voren uw route uit te stippelen en om onderweg te gebruiken • naast de bekende bestemmingen, worden ook de minder bekende vermeld • openbaar... Lire la suite
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  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
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  • Over the Top & Back Again
  • Book of the Year Bronze Award 2010 (travel essays category), ForeWord Magazine After hiking some of the world's great trails, Brandon Wilson was excited to hear about the Via Alpina, paths running across eight countries on the backbone of the Alps. Besides promising immersion into Alpine life and wilderness, it was the ultimate adventure. It... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • Over the Top & Back Again
  • Book of the Year Bronze Award 2010 (travel essays category), ForeWord Magazine After hiking some of the world's great trails, Brandon Wilson was excited to hear about the Via Alpina, paths running across eight countries on the backbone of the Alps. Besides promising immersion into Alpine life and wilderness, it was the ultimate adventure. It... Lire la suite
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Bodensee - Rätikon | Rother Bergverlag
  • Uitstekende wandelgids met een groot aantal dagtochten in dal en hooggebergte. Met praktische informatie en beperkt kaartmateriaal! Wandelingen in verschillende zwaarte weergegeven in rood/blauw/zwart. Das Tourengebiet dieses Wanderführers reicht vom Bodensee fast bis zum Gletschereis der Schesaplana – es entspricht weitgehend der Vorarlberger... Lire la suite
De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Wochenendtouren Allgäu - Vorarlberg | Rother Bergverlag
  • Een wandelgids met een mooie selectie van 25 twee-daagse tochten tussen Füssen en Montafon in Vorarlberg. Goed beschrijving met kaartmateriaal, hoogteprofielen, praktische informatie. Ein Kurzurlaub in den Bergen – wer denkt nicht ab und zu daran, sich eine kleine Auszeit in der Natur zu gönnen, und sei es nur für ein Wochenende! Da braucht es... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
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  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • The Swiss alpine pass route - Via Alpina route 1
  • This guidebook presents the stunning Alpine Pass Route, now fully waymarked as Via Alpina 1. The 360km trail traverses Switzerland from east to west, from Sargans near the Liechtenstein border to Montreux on Lac Léman (Lake Geneva). Crossing sixteen Alpine passes, it showcases some of the country's most breathtaking mountain landscapes,... Lire la suite
  • The Swiss alpine pass route - Via Alpina route 1
  • This guidebook presents the stunning Alpine Pass Route, now fully waymarked as Via Alpina 1. The 360km trail traverses Switzerland from east to west, from Sargans near the Liechtenstein border to Montreux on Lac Léman (Lake Geneva). Crossing sixteen Alpine passes, it showcases some of the country's most breathtaking mountain landscapes,... Lire la suite
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  • Over the Top & Back Again
  • Book of the Year Bronze Award 2010 (travel essays category), ForeWord Magazine After hiking some of the world's great trails, Brandon Wilson was excited to hear about the Via Alpina, paths running across eight countries on the backbone of the Alps. Besides promising immersion into Alpine life and wilderness, it was the ultimate adventure. It... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • Over the Top & Back Again
  • Book of the Year Bronze Award 2010 (travel essays category), ForeWord Magazine After hiking some of the world's great trails, Brandon Wilson was excited to hear about the Via Alpina, paths running across eight countries on the backbone of the Alps. Besides promising immersion into Alpine life and wilderness, it was the ultimate adventure. It... Lire la suite
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United Kingdom
  • Montafon Swisstopo 238
  • Montafon, map No. 238 in the standard topographic survey of Switzerland at 1:50,000 from Swisstopo, i.e. without the special overprint highlighting walking trails, local bus stops, etc, presented in Swisstopo’s hiking editions of the 50K survey. The map covers mainly the Austrian side of the border including Bludenz, plus the south-eastern part... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
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De Zwerver
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United Kingdom
  • Schesaplana Swisstopo 1156
  • Map No. 1156, Schesaplana, in the topographic survey of Switzerland at 1:25,000 from Bundesamt für Landestopographie (swisstopo), covering the whole country on 247 small format sheets, with special larger maps published for popular regions including some titles now available in hiking versions.Highly regarded for their superb use of graphic... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
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United Kingdom
  • Haslital: Grindelwald - Engelberg 50K Hallwag Outdoor Map No. 5
  • Haslital area, from Grindelwald to Engelberg, at 1:50,000 in a series from Hallwag covering Switzerland’s popular hiking regions on light, waterproof and tear-resistant maps highlighting long-distance paths: the nine national routes plus special regional routes, as well as other local hiking trails.Cartography is similar to that used both in... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Maira, Grana and Stura Valleys IGC 7
  • Maira, Grana and Stura Valleys in a series contoured hiking maps at 1:50,000 with local trails, long-distance footpaths, mountain accommodation, etc. from the Turin based Istituto Geografico Centrale.Maps in this series have contours at 50m intervals, enhanced by shading and graphic relief. An overprint highlights local footpaths and... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
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De Zwerver
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United Kingdom
  • Val Brembana - Valsassina - Le Grigne: Lecco - Bergamo 50K IGC Map No. 22
  • Val Brembana - Valsassina - Le Grigne area including Lecco and Bergamo in a series contoured hiking maps at 1:50,000 with local trails, long-distance footpaths, mountain accommodation, etc. from the Turin based Istituto Geografico Centrale.Maps in this series have contours at 50m intervals, enhanced by shading and graphic relief. An overprint... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Silvretta Alpenverein KOMBI Map 26
  • Silvretta area of the Alps in a hiking edition at 1:25,000 from a series of detailed, GPS compatible maps published by the DAV - Deutscher Alpenverein and produced by the German and Austrian Alpine Clubs using cartography from their respective survey organizations. Maps in this series have topography vividly presented by contours at 20 metres... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 26 Alpenvereinskarte Silvrettagruppe | Alpenverein
  • De beste en meest gedetailleerde kaarten van met name de Oostenrijkse alpen: wandelroutes zijn naar zwaarte onderscheidend gemarkeerd, gletsjeroverschrijdingen staan aangegeven en de verschillende soorten hutten ingetekend. Met als ondergrond de topografische kaarten bieden ze een schat aan informatie voor elke beginnende en gevorderde... Lire la suite
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United Kingdom
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer Domino Map
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of Ribaritsa and Zlatitsa eastwards beyond Kalofer to the peak of... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 1 Stara Planina gebergte | Domino
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of Ribaritsa and Zlatitsa eastwards beyond Kalofer to the peak of... Lire la suite
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United Kingdom
  • Vorarlberg
  • One of the titles in a series of provincial topographic maps derived from generalising the cartography of the 1:50,000 survey. Topography is shown by contours at 100m intervals, spot heights, hill-shading and graphic relief. Colours and graphics distinguish landscape types e.g. forests, vineyards, swamps. The attractive, finely-drawn detail... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Goms - Aletsch
  • Goms - Aletsch area of the Bernese Oberland at 1:50,000 in a series from Hallwag covering Switzerland’s popular hiking regions on light, waterproof and tear-resistant maps highlighting long-distance paths: the nine national routes plus special regional routes, as well as other local hiking trails.Cartography is similar to that used both in... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Prättigau Swisstopo 248
  • Prättigau, map No. 248, in the standard topographic survey of Switzerland at 1:50,000 from Swisstopo, i.e. without the special overprint highlighting walking trails, local bus stops, etc, presented in Swisstopo’s hiking editions of the 50K survey. Coverage includes Davos, Klosters and Arosa.Highly regarded for their superb use of graphic relief... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart - Topografische kaart 248 Prättigau | Swisstopo
  • Deze kaart is onderdeel van de 1:50.000 serie van de topografische kaarten van de Zwitserse topografische dienst, die in 78 delen het hele land bestrijkt. Deze kaarten zijn beroemd en gewaardeerd om het geweldige kleurgebruik voor reliëf en hoogte door schaduwwerking. De kaarten geven bijna een 3-D beeld van het landschap. De hoogtelijnen... Lire la suite
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United Kingdom
  • Sulzfluh Swisstopo 1157
  • Map No. 1157, Sulzfluh, in the topographic survey of Switzerland at 1:25,000 from Bundesamt für Landestopographie (swisstopo), covering the whole country on 247 small format sheets, with special larger maps published for popular regions including some titles now available in hiking versions.Highly regarded for their superb use of graphic relief... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
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United Kingdom
  • Lechtal Alps - Heiterwand and Muttekopfgebiet Alpenverein KOMBI Map 3/4
  • Lechtaler Alps: Heiterwand - Muttekopf area of the Alps in a combined hiking and ski edition at 1:25,000 from a series of detailed, GPS compatible maps published by the DAV - Deutscher Alpenverein and produced by the German and Austrian Alpine Clubs using cartography from their respective survey organizations. Maps in this series have... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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United Kingdom
  • Montreux
  • Montreux - Col du Pillon area at 1:50,000 in a series from Hallwag covering Switzerland’s popular hiking regions on light, waterproof and tear-resistant maps highlighting long-distance paths: the nine national routes plus special regional routes, as well as other local hiking trails.Cartography is similar to that used both in Hallwag’s hiking... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Bregenz F&B
  • Indexed street plan of Bregenz extending north along the Bodensee coast to Lochau and Unter Hochsteg. Detail includes pedestrianised areas, railways, bus routes and cycle paths. Notable buildings are highlighted in red, and symbols indicate post offices, hostels, campsites and car parks.On the reverse is a 1:50,000 contoured map of the... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Ivrea - Biela - Lower Aosta Valley 50K IGC Map No. 9
  • Ivrea - Biela - Lower Aosta Valley area in a series contoured hiking maps at 1:50,000 with local trails, long-distance footpaths, mountain accommodation, etc. from the Turin based Istituto Geografico Centrale. Maps in this series have contours at 50m intervals, enhanced by shading and graphic relief. An overprint highlights local footpaths and... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
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