Voralpenweg - 4
- Name Voralpenweg - 4 (WWW04)
- Distance de sentier 501 km, 311 milles
- Durée en jours 28 jours
- Début de sentier Vienna
- Fin de sentier Bad Reichenhall
- Classement Traildino MW, Marche modérée, sentier de randonnée
- Classement Traversée de montagne T1, Randonnée

Voralpenweg, Weitwanderweg 4, Vienna - Bad Reichenhall, 501 km
This beautiful route through a pitturesque part of the Alps is not hard or difficult, and therefore suitable for children. All in all, it's obviously a very long trail - 500 km from Vienna to the border with Germany - and a good condition is certainly necessary. Some parts also require a good footedness. The path never mounts above 2000 m.
From East to West, the path starts in the Vienna Woods – Wienerwald - in two variants. Then the trail enters the Ybbstal, Ennstal and and Steyrtal, popular mountain areas in Austria. Finally one arrives at the Berchtesgaden Alps, Bad Reichenhall.
The Voralpenweg actually ends here. But you can continue west, through the German Prealps. This trail is called the Maximiliansweg, so to say the German Voralpenweg, another 370 km. The trail passes through the Chiemgau Alps, Bayerische Voralpen, Ammergau Alps, Allgäu Alps, and finally you re-enter Austria, the mountains of the Bregenzer Wald.
The Austrian Voralpenweg 4 largely coincides with the E4 and in Germany also with the northern branch of the Via Alpina.