Rupertiweg - 10


  1. Name Rupertiweg - 10 (WWW10)
  2. Distance de sentier 563 km, 350 milles
  3. Durée en jours 35 jours
  4. Début de sentier Bärenstein
  5. Fin de sentier Naßfeld
  6. Classement Traildino SW, Marche fatigante, sentier de montagne
  7. Classement Traversée de montagne T2, randonnée en montagne


Rupertiweg, Weitwanderweg 10, Bärenstein (1077 m) – Naßfeld, 563 km

The Rupertiweg is named after St. Rupert. This Austrian long distance trail roughly runs north-south and crosses the Alps on one of its highest points. The trail starts at the Czech border, the mountain Bärenstein. Along low-lying farmland, the path follows the rivers Inn and Salzach to Salzburg. There is also a variant that is more inland. From Salzburg onwards the Alpine part of the hike begins, starting with the Berchtesgadener Alps. Now we walk in Germany for a few days. There are more alpine highlights on the menu: Hohe Tauern, Goldberg Group, Kreuzeck Group and Gailtaler Alps. The path finally hits the Südalpenweg in the Karnischer Alps, where we are almost in Italy.

A varied path, this one. In the Alps it will be a rather difficult and challenging walk in some places. But then there are alternatives.

Select some tracks
Rupertiweg 310A Variante Kreuzeck
Inn- und Salzachuferweg 810A, 134km
Rupertiweg 10 (Stadtroute Salzburg), 13km
Rupertiweg 410, 14km
Rupertiweg 10A, 13km
Rupertiweg 10A, 134km
Rupertiweg, 0.9km
Julius Kugy-Dreiländerweg E 27a, 18km
Rupertiweg 210
Rupertiweg 510
.Rupertiweg 510, 15km
.Rupertiweg 510, 2.1km
.Rupertiweg 510, 8.5km
.Rupertiweg 510, 19km
Greifenburg-Techendorf-Naggleralm Hütte-Kohlröslhütte, 6.5km
.(no name)
Rupertiweg 10, 531km
AV Weg 410, 57km
Rupertiweg, 55km
Wanderweg 268, 16km


Map Rupertiweg, Weitwanderweg 10


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