GR98 - Les Calanques
- Name GR98 - Les Calanques (GR98)
- Distance de sentier 80 km, 50 milles
- Durée en jours 5 jours
- Début de sentier Sainte-Baume
- Fin de sentier La Madrague de Montredon
- Classement Traildino MW, Marche modérée, sentier de randonnée
- Classement Traversée de montagne T1, Randonnée
Les Calanques are a series of limestone sea inlets east from Marseille. The GR92 (GR92-51) explores this small treasure along the Mediterranean. Sailing boats float in the bleu waters between the sharp white rocks, and you puzzle where exactly the sounds of rock climbers come from. The trail can be steep in places.
The GR92 as a whole, is much longer than this. The Calanques is its main asset. The hinterland is interesting too, but totally different.