Oude IJssel-Rijnpad
- Name Oude IJssel-Rijnpad
- Distance de sentier 125 km, 78 milles
- Durée en jours 6 jours
- Début de sentier Anholt (D)
- Fin de sentier Anholt (D)
- Classement Traildino LW, Promenade légère, promenade a la campagne
Circular trail starting in Anholt: Anholt (D) – Engbergen – Silvolde – Gaanderen – Doesburg – Duiven – Pannerden – Tolkamer – Hoch Elten (D) – Stokkum – Zeddam – Anholt (D), 125 km
The trail starts and ends in Germany, but most part is in the Netherlands.
The trail visits two regions: The Achterhoek, a enclosed landscape of forests and tree rows, and The Liemers, an open landscape of extensive fields and river banks. From Germany, the path goes to Doesburg and with a curve to the south and east it turns back along the Rhine to Germany.