Friese Kustpad


  1. Name Friese Kustpad (LAW5-4)
  2. Distance de sentier 131 km, 81 milles
  3. Durée en jours 7 jours
  4. Début de sentier Stavoren
  5. Fin de sentier Lauwersoog
  6. Classement Traildino LW, Promenade légère, promenade a la campagne

Friese Kustpad

Friese Kustpad, LAW 5-4: Stavoren - Lauwersoog, 131 km

The Frisians cultivate an image of stubborn, independent minded people. They have their own breed of horses, strong, big and black. They have their own language, largely incomprehensible to the rest of the Dutch population. And they have a long coastline. The southern part of the Frisian coast was cut of from the Northsea by the construction of the Afsluitdijk in 1932. This trail bring you to a series of small towns along the coast wich used to prosper because of their relation to the sea. These days prosperity is linked more to tourism. The northern part of the coast is still connected to the open water of the Wadden sea, a unique landscape wich recently was added to the World Heritage list. So there is a lot of seascape to admire. The landscape on the other side of the dikes retains much of its traditional character. Even if farmers have started to use wind turbines as an additional source of income, and some keep their cattle inside on a permanent basis, on summer days the famous Frisian cows can still be seen grazing the green, green meadows. (DB)

Select some tracks
Nederlands Kustpad deel 3 - Hoofdroute
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 00, 22km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 03b, 9.7km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 04, 18km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 05, 13km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 06, 18km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 07, 18km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 08, 16km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 09, 16km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 10, 19km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 11, 19km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 12, 24km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 13, 18km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 14, 20km
.Nederlands Kustpad deel 3, sectie 15, 9.7km


Friese Kustpad LAW5 4


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  • Also available from:
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  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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