

  1. Name Nordlandsruta
  2. Distance de sentier 550 km, 342 milles
  3. Durée en jours 30 jours
  4. Début de sentier Bjørnfjell
  5. Fin de sentier Børgefjell
  6. Classement Traildino MW, Marche modérée, sentier de randonnée
  7. Classement Traversée de montagne T1, Randonnée

Trygvebu - Argaladhytta, Nordlandsruta

550 km, Bjørnfjell (Narvik, north) - Børgefjell (Helgeland, south), one month

This trail runs in north Norway, passing through Okstindan and Nord-Helgeland, Saltfjellet, Sulitjelmafjellene and Narvikfjellene. On the Swedish side, the trail passes Padjelanta National Park. Here it runs parallel to the better known Nordkalottruta (or Nordkalottleden in Swedish). The Nordkalottleden continues much further north.

It is an adventurous and lonely trail. The nature is endlessly wild. The trail is cairned or waymarked entirely. And you will find lovely little huts, some 50 of them in total, on regular intervals. But the huts are not staffed, nor will you find food in store. You have to carry your food yourself. But your tent can be left home. To open the huts, you need a key. Luckily, the DNT key, available from the DNT offices, fits on all DNT and local huts. Along the Swedish part of the trail are some staffed huts.

Select some tracks
.(no name), 24km
.(no name), 14km
.(no name), 18km
.(no name), 18km
.(no name), 18km
.(no name), 21km
.(no name), 9.7km
.(no name), 25km
.(no name), 11km
.(no name), 15km
.(no name), 21km
.(no name), 24km
.(no name), 25km
.(no name), 4.6km
.(no name), 23km
.(no name), 15km
.(no name), 7.8km
.(no name), 10km
.(no name), 19km
.(no name), 12km
.(no name), 13km
.(no name), 4.5km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 39: Sorjushytta - Ny-Sulitjelma Fjellstue, 11km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 38: Sårjåsjaurestugan - Sorjushytta, 13km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 37: Staddajåkkåstugorna - Sårjåsjaurestugan, 5.6km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 36: Stáloluokta - Staddajåkkåstugorna, 12km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 35: Arasluokta - Stáloluokta, 10km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 34: Låddejåkkå - Arasluokta, 13km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 33: Kutjaurestugan - Låddejåkkå, 17km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 32: Vájsáluokta - Kutjaurestugan, 17km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 31: Røysvatn - Vaisaluokta, 56km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 30: Paurohytta - Røysvatn, 27km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 29: Sitashytta - Paurohytta, 21km
.Nordkalottruta Etapp 28: Skoaddejávrehytta - Sitashytta, 19km
.(no name), 13km
.(no name), 17km
.(no name), 22km
.(no name), 11km
.(no name), 2.5km


Map of Nordlandsruta


  1. Annuler