Via Brabantica
- Name Via Brabantica
- Distance de sentier 161 km, 100 milles
- Durée en jours 6 jours
- Début de sentier Bergen op Zoom / Kalmthout
- Fin de sentier Nivelles
- Classement Traildino LW, Promenade légère, promenade a la campagne
Via Brabantica and Via Brabançonne, Bergen op Zoom (Nl) - Antwerp - Mechelen - Brussels - Nijvel, 161 km, 6 days
A pilgrim way to Santiago de Compostela. This Way starts at Bergen op Zoom in the Netherlands, continues over Antwerp and Brussels, and ends in Nivelles (Nijvel). Alternatively, start in Breda in the Netherlands.
In Brussel, the name changes from Via Brabantica to Via Brabançonne. This Way of St. James largely follows the GR12. From Nivelles, take the Via Gallia Belgica to Saint-Quentin, and then continue on the GR655, the Via Turonensis, and ask directions in Roncesvaux in the Spanish Pyrenees.
Visit Traildino's overview page for the Way of Saint James / Camino de Santiago.