

Region in the North East of Italy.


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  • Reisgids Kunstreiseführer Friaul und Triest | Dumont
  • Das Thema dieses Kunst-Reiseführers ist die italienische Region Friaul- Julisch Venetien. Sie besteht aus zwei Provinzen, von denen das Friaul die weitaus größere ist. Julisch Venetien dagegen umfasst seit 1954 nur noch die Stadt Triest und einen kleinen Küstenstreifen bis Muggia. Wie ein Amphitheater liegt das Friaul im äußersten Nordosten... Lire la suite
  • Friaul - Julisch Venetien
  • Die klei­ne grüne Re­gi­on im Nord­os­ten Ita­li­ens er­streckt sich von den Alpen bis zur nörd­li­chen Adria. Wer hier Fe­ri­en macht, kann am Vor­mit­tag berg­wan­dern und sich am Nach­mit­tag an präch­ti­gen lan­gen Sand­strän­den ver­gnü­gen.Tags drauf lo­cken aus­ge­dehn­te Wein­land­schaf­ten, rö­mi­sche Aus­gra­bun­gen oder... Lire la suite
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  • Friaul - Julisch Venetien
  • Die klei­ne grüne Re­gi­on im Nord­os­ten Ita­li­ens er­streckt sich von den Alpen bis zur nörd­li­chen Adria. Wer hier Fe­ri­en macht, kann am Vor­mit­tag berg­wan­dern und sich am Nach­mit­tag an präch­ti­gen lan­gen Sand­strän­den ver­gnü­gen.Tags drauf lo­cken aus­ge­dehn­te Wein­land­schaf­ten, rö­mi­sche Aus­gra­bun­gen oder... Lire la suite
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  • Rough Guide - Italy
  • The Rough Guide to Italy is the ultimate travel guide to one of Europe's most appealing countries.From the top draws of Rome and Florence to the hidden corners of Friuli and Liguria, this guide will help you make the most of your trip to Italy. You will find all the detailed information you need, from vaporetto routes in Venice to... Lire la suite
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  • Rough Guide - Italy
  • The Rough Guide to Italy is the ultimate travel guide to one of Europe's most appealing countries.From the top draws of Rome and Florence to the hidden corners of Friuli and Liguria, this guide will help you make the most of your trip to Italy. You will find all the detailed information you need, from vaporetto routes in Venice to... Lire la suite
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids 40 Friaul - Julisch Venetien - Venetië | Rother Bergverlag
  • Duitstalige wandelgids met zeer goed beschreven wandelingen in de genoemde gebieden. Redelijk kaartmateriaal, vooral de beschrijving van de route en de praktische info die er bij hoort is meer dan goed. Over alle eilanden verspreid. Friaul-Julisch Venetien welch geheimnisvoller Zauber schwingt in diesen Worten mit! Sie bezeichnen eine Region im... Lire la suite
De Zwerver
  • Italien: Alpine Wanderweg Friaul
  • Die Gebirgsregion Friauls ist eine der wildesten, sch nsten und unber hrtesten Regionen der Alpen. Weit ab vom Massentourismus bietet sie eine herrliche Erlebniswelt f r jeden Wanderer und Naturfreund. Die Region zeichnet sich durch ein dicht erschlossenes Wandernetz mit zahlreichen Berg- und Almh tten, Biwaken und Unterst nden aus. Doch in der... Lire la suite
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  • Italien: Alpine Wanderweg Friaul
  • Die Gebirgsregion Friauls ist eine der wildesten, sch nsten und unber hrtesten Regionen der Alpen. Weit ab vom Massentourismus bietet sie eine herrliche Erlebniswelt f r jeden Wanderer und Naturfreund. Die Region zeichnet sich durch ein dicht erschlossenes Wandernetz mit zahlreichen Berg- und Almh tten, Biwaken und Unterst nden aus. Doch in der... Lire la suite
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  • Colli Euganei - Abano e Montegrotto Terme Tabacco 060
  • Colli Euganei - Abano & Montegrotto Terme area in a series of Tabacco maps at 1:25,000 covering the Dolomites and the mountains of north-eastern Italy - Stanfords’ most popular coverage for this region, with excellent cartography and extensive overprint for hiking routes and other recreational activities, local bus stops, etc. Additional... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Monte Baldo - Altipiano di Brentonico - Malcesine Kompass 129
  • Map No. 129, Monte Baldo, at 1:25,000 on a double-sided map from Kompass, printed on sturdy waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper and covering an area to the east of the northern part of Lake Garda.This title is part of a series of Kompass maps providing detailed coverage of the Dolomites and Lake Garda area, supplementing their main... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia, the north-eastern corner of Italy on a detailed, indexed road map at 1:100,000 from Tabacco with excellent presentation of the topography based on the publishers’ extensive series of hiking maps of the region. The map has contours at 100m intervals enhanced by relief shading, graphic for rock faces and colouring for... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Valli del Natisone - Cividale del Friuli Tabacco 041
  • Valli del Natisone - Cividale del Friuli area in a series of Tabacco maps at 1:25,000 covering the Dolomites and the mountains of north-eastern Italy - Stanfords’ most popular coverage for this region, with excellent cartography and extensive overprint for hiking routes and other recreational activities, local bus stops, etc. Additional... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
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  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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The Book Depository
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  • Valli del Natisone / Cividale del Friuli / Krn/Monte Nero
  • Valli del Natisone - Cividale del Friuli area in a series of Tabacco maps at 1:25,000 covering the Dolomites and the mountains of north-eastern Italy - Stanfords’ most popular coverage for this region, with excellent cartography and extensive overprint for hiking routes and other recreational activities, local bus stops, etc. Additional... Lire la suite
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  • Prealpi Giulie - Valli del Torre Tabacco 026
  • Prealpi Giulie - Valli del Torre area in a series of Tabacco maps at 1:25,000 covering the Dolomites and the mountains of north-eastern Italy - Stanfords’ most popular coverage for this region, with excellent cartography and extensive overprint for hiking routes and other recreational activities, local bus stops, etc. Additional overprint in... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • The Book Depository, United Kingdom
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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  • Prealpi Carniche e Giuli de Gemonese Tabacco 020
  • Prealpi Carniche e Giuli de Gemonese area in a series of Tabacco maps at 1:25,000 covering the Dolomites and the mountains of north-eastern Italy - Stanfords’ most popular coverage for this region, with excellent cartography and extensive overprint for hiking routes and other recreational activities, local bus stops, etc. Additional overprint... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • The Book Depository, United Kingdom
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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The Book Depository
United Kingdom
  • Prealpi Carniche E Giulie
  • Prealpi Carniche e Giuli de Gemonese area in a series of Tabacco maps at 1:25,000 covering the Dolomites and the mountains of north-eastern Italy - Stanfords Lire la suite
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  • Alpi Giulie Occidentali - Tarvisiano Tabacco 019
  • Alpi Giulie Occidentali – Tarvisiano area in a series of Tabacco maps at 1:25,000 covering the Dolomites and the mountains of north-eastern Italy - Stanfords’ most popular coverage for this region, with excellent cartography and extensive overprint for hiking routes and other recreational activities, local bus stops, etc. Additional overprint... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 019 Alpi Giulie Occidentali - Tarvisiano | Tabacco Editrice
  • Alpi Giulie Occidentali – Tarvisiano area in a series of Tabacco maps at 1:25,000 covering the Dolomites and the mountains of north-eastern Italy - Stanfords’ most popular coverage for this region, with excellent cartography and extensive overprint for hiking routes and other recreational activities, local bus stops, etc. Additional overprint... Lire la suite
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  • WK2801 Julische Alpen • Steiner Alpen
  • Wandel- en fietskaart • schaal 1:75 000 • activiteiten gids • plaatsnamenregister met postcodes • fietspaden en mountainbikeroutes • vermelding GPS-punten • met hoogtelijnen • toeristische informatie Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
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  • WK2801 Julische Alpen • Steiner Alpen
  • Wandel- en fietskaart • schaal 1:75 000 • activiteiten gids • plaatsnamenregister met postcodes • fietspaden en mountainbikeroutes • vermelding GPS-punten • met hoogtelijnen • toeristische informatie Lire la suite
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United Kingdom
  • Canìn - Val Resia - PN Prealpi Giulie Tabacco 027
  • Canìn - Valli di Resia - P.N. Prealpi Giulie area in a series of Tabacco maps at 1:25,000 covering the Dolomites and the mountains of north-eastern Italy - Stanfords’ most popular coverage for this region, with excellent cartography and extensive overprint for hiking routes and other recreational activities, local bus stops, etc. Additional... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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