Alpen Weitwanderweg
- Name Alpen Weitwanderweg
- Distance de sentier 160 km, 99 milles
- Durée en jours 7 jours
- Début de sentier Pass Hallturm
- Fin de sentier Bischofswiesen
- Classement Traildino SW, Marche fatigante, sentier de montagne
- Classement Traversée de montagne T2, randonnée en montagne
Pass Hallturm – Bischofswiesen, 160 km, 7 days
This trail runs in both Germany - Berchtesgadener Alps - and Austria - Salzburgerland. It is the accomplishment of coöperation between both regions, especially groups of sport hikers from both countries. In seven days, you will climb 5.200 m. The reward of the trail is more than sport: the trail is also aimed at those with an interest in history, and the lover of nature and scenery.
However, the Alpenweitwanderweg does stay on the relatively easy northern side of the mountains, so you will miss the more dramatic and inaccessible southern part of these limestone mountains.